Artwork : Marcel Duchamp, From or by Marcel Duchamp or Rrose Sélavy (Box in a Valise) (1935–1941/1963–1966)

Artwork : Marcel Duchamp, From or by Marcel Duchamp or Rrose Sélavy (Box in a Valise) (1935–1941/1963–1966)

Artwork : Marcel Duchamp, From or by Marcel Duchamp or Rrose Sélavy (Box in a Valise) (1935–1941/1963–1966)

Artwork : Marcel Duchamp, From or by Marcel Duchamp or Rrose Sélavy (Box in a Valise) (1935–1941/1963–1966)

Artwork : Yuan Jai, Longevity Triptych (2006)

Artwork : Gabriel Orozco, Untitled (OROXXO), L4-P01 (2017)
Courtyard Galleries are one of the unique exhibition spaces in the M+ building in Hong Kong. Unlike other white cube galleries, their floors, walls, and ceilings are entirely clad in bamboo, giving off an atmosphere of a space of traditional Asian art. The opening display The Dream of the Museum showcases a broader constellation of artistic practices rooted in the foundational conceptual idea of chance and found objects traversing time and cultures.
In the first room presenting four pioneers of Conceptual art, Marcel Duchamp’s Box in a Valise is displayed in the windmill-shaped vitrine. The central transparent cube containing the unfolded red box is held by 4 display wings reminiscent of The Large Glass showcasing all the double-sided leaflets. Reflecting its concept of ‘portable museum,’ an opened box creates a looping exhibition space around. 8 pieces of John Cage’s Not Wanting to Say Anything About Marcel are displayed on the 4 wooden boxes forming another windmill shape, which leads visitors to the second room as a Duchamp’s counterpart.
In the second room with the higher ceiling and a window towards the Courtyard, wall-sized 4 wooden crates displaying various artworks on both sides are connected by the central roof, forming a windmill-shaped pavilion. It gently divides the gallery into 4 zones around the central seating area and encourages visitors to wander around, while crossing sightlines add new relationships among diverse artworks. A box filled with artworks is placed, side panels of the box are opened to be exhibition walls, artworks appearing from the box are scattered to form an exhibition, and the emptied box becomes a space for visitors. Elaborating the concept of ‘portable museum’, we intended to reimagine the origin of the concept of museum as a treasure box — a closed treasure box opens to welcome people and turns to be a museum — and to reflect it into spatial experiences. Excitement to open a box, surprise of discovery, and unexpected encounters. We hope this exhibition allows visitors to enjoy museum experiences full of surprises and serendipity, appropriate to the exhibition title The Dream of the Museum.
Closely collaborating with the curatorial team during the design process, the curatorial contents and the spatial design inspired each other and were developed together, which allowed achieving a well-integrated exhibition as an inaugural exhibition of the new museum.
香港の新しい美術館M+のCourtyard Galleriesは床・壁・天井全てが竹材で仕上げられ、ホワイトキューブ的な他の展示室とは異なる伝統的なアジアのアート空間のような趣を纏っています。「美術館の夢」と題された開館展示では、チャンス(偶然性)とファウンドオブジェクト(見出された対象)という2つのコンセプチュアルアートの概念を軸に、時代や文化を横断した様々な媒体による多様な作品が一同に会しました。
PROJECT : "The Dream of the Museum" Exhibition Design
STATUS : Completed (exhibition : 12 Nov 2021 - 23 Apr 2023)
LOCATION : M+ 2F Courtyard Galleries, Hong Kong
SITE AREA : ca. 160 sqm
STRUCTURE : Yasuhiro Kaneda
PHOTOGRAPHY : Lok Cheung, M+, Hong Kong
概要:”The Dream of the Museum” 展示会場設計
敷地:M+美術館2F Courtyard Galleries、香港
写真:Lok Cheung, M+, Hong Kong

M+ Courtyard Galleries Exhibition Details
M+ コートヤードギャラリー展示詳細