To exhibit various works from YouFab Creative Awards, we intended to showcase their creativity and diversity with multiplied timber frames in the open exhibition field. Thanks to the opportunity to work with wood craft techniques in Hida region in Japan, slender timber frames made of local thinned hardwoods are discreetly combined to be exhibition tables and stands like 3D grid with maintaining the openness. This open grid system with slidable panels allow flexibility to arrange various contents as well as easier shipment and assembling. They are distributed like trees in the open field in order to encourage visitors to stroll around and to discover, encounter and interact with YouFab’s creations through the frames.
YouFab Creative Awards のさまざまな受賞作品を一堂に展示するにあたり、広い会場内で重層するフレームによってその多様性を引き立てようと考えました。飛騨の木工技術を活かす機会により、飛騨特有の広葉樹間伐材を使った細身の木枠を組み合わせてそこに襖のようにパネルをのせることで、輸送や設営を簡易にするだけでなく柔軟な展示内容の調整を可能にしています。立体格子のような展示テーブルや什器が開放感を保ちながら原っぱの中の木々のように散らばり、来訪者がその間を巡りながらフレームを通して多様な作品と触れ合い新たな発見をすることを期待しました。
PROJECT : Exhibition design for "YouFab Exhibition - Imagination Manifests"
STATUS : Completed (2018.04)
LOCATION : Y Studio, Youth Square, Chai Wan, Hong Kong
AREA : 325sqm
CLIENTS : Loftwork